Connecting Ten Thousand Fugitives and the Beach Boys
My soul is starved and hungry, ravenous�
insatiable for your nourishing commands.
Psalm 119: 17-33
Driving between the two lunches I had that day. Mike Love�s reed thin voice leading up to the radio news that �Torture Guy� (Our American Attorney General) had somehow slapped the cuffs on 10,000 fugitives almost all at once.
The sun baked nasal Beach Boy surf tones heralding the first cannon shot of actual class warfare in the United States. Karl Rove commands the guns to be turned on our own. Karen Hughes spins it so soccer moms can quickly nod yes and then get back on their cell phones. Condi stamps a black stiletto boot and raises her eyebrow. And Brian Wilson�s lyric kicks off the parade in my car:
Well I�m not braggin babe
So don�t put me down
But I�ve got the fastest set of wheels in town.
Ten thousand fugitives in 24 hours????????
Alone, just the number and the time frame is alarming. But that it�s coming from �Torture Guy�---makes me remember that soon, on this long drive back home from the wild and distant suburbs of Chicago (where all food comes from Olive Gardens, Applebee�s and Bennigans)�it makes me remember that if I just take Oakton east, I�ll go right by Steak and Shake.
Because if this is it, if the country has now been lead to implode---I better grab another lunch. Never mind that I just finished lunch 5 minutes ago. And that it wasn�t at a chain restaurant. I better eat again.
Wonder what the ethnic and racial breakdown of that mass arrest would be? Wonder if there�s a religious element to this? Did Jerry Falwell give the word that we could finally round up all the Muslim Americans? Wonder why that first lunch left me feeling so empty?
What would Brian Wilson do? Would he grab another lunch? Would he wonder why Kaufman�s Deli on Dempster in Skokie had somehow left me with a rye bagel that was just short of stale, cream cheese whipped with air, , lox that didn�t tingle with taste the way a special, sometimes treat should. Nova lox that brings on a train of thought that goes: I can�t get this very often---way too expensive. . .especially when you have no money coming in. . . .so why can�t I taste this????
I am pulling out into the traffic on Dempster, one hand on the wheel, the other stuffing potato chips into my mouth just a little too fast as I look east for lines of Federal Marshalls. But all I see is McDonalds and the Skokie Swift train.
Why can�t I taste these potato chips? Only salt and the bulk. And why do they keep making me even hungrier? Boy some fries would go good now. . . Why am I so hungry?
And how many people does it take to arrest 10,000 in a day? Did they put them on trains and roll them out to Utah, string up some barbed wire and call the place a Relocation Camp? What kind of paperwork was generated? And most of all: why do I keep stuffing these potato chips in my mouth just a little too fast?
In the background to all that potato chip crunching-- Brian Wilson�s lyric about a chariot that would somehow take a chubby little boy far, far away from the yellow linoleum floor in the kitchen of the California tract house where he had rolled himself up in a ball to absorb the kicks and slaps poured out on him by his Dad and future Beach Boy Manager---Murray.
None of it bruised his body in the car. No shame in that car.
When something comes up to me
They don�t even try
Cos if I had a set of wings
I know I could fly.
Flying home on Dempster, right by the canal. Mid day traffic light so I can move. My faithful green Honda now transformed into cherry red, gleaming chrome:
She�s got a competition clutch
With a four on the floor and
She purrs like a kitten till the tail pipes roar
So if I stopped at Steak and Shake, I wouldn�t get a Triple Steak burger. I�m not THAT far gone. That would be for people who actually had a problem. I�d limit it to a double. And a small fries. A medium coke. No way would I get a large coke.
And then there are the families of these 10,000 bad guys. That�s a lot of people!
But I wouldn�t have a Triple Steak burger. I had control. And maybe there really were ten thousand real bad guys out here with me driving east on Dempster into Evanston. Maybe they were REAL bad guys. And it wasn�t a political stunt or the first shot in real class warfare.
Maybe we had more cops out there now. Maybe we got back some of the money we spent on the war to pay for cops, for feeding hungry kids, sheltering battered and bruised kids, maybe it was all like getting a refund at that Home Depot right behind the Steak and Shake. Maybe I could go in there fat and happy full of steak burger---my second lunch having soothed my hungry and ravenous soul�maybe I could go stand patiently in line in the Home Depot and they would offer a refund on the war. Something to credit my account. And somewhere deep inside the giant warehouse I would find the nourishing commands that would somehow feed my empty soul.
I get pushed out of shape
and its hard to steer
when I get rubber
In all four gears.
My first lunch? A few minutes ago? Forgotten.
Just as soon as I bit into that double steak burger, I wouldn�t be hungry anymore. Then I could bop over to Home Depot. Get a few necessities for the house. Throw on some old Beach Boys tunes and cruise on back home. I�m sure that the ten thousand people who were arrested today---I�m sure that�s a good thing. Wouldn�t want people to think I�m a wild eyed liberal or something. Soft on crime. And I am in control. Not a Triple Steak burger. Only a double.
With cheese.
About the Author
Roger Wright can be found on the Salon Blog "Church Fod Chicago"
Where will you go?
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Look Fashionable At The Beach!
It�s that time of year when we pack up our bags and head to the beach for the day to enjoy those warm sunrays and the refreshing sound of the lapping water.
So what constitutes a good beach wardrobe. Well there are certain essentials that none of us forget. On goes the swimsuit and bathing suit cover, flip flops on our feet. Beach bag has been packed with the essentials � sunglasses, floppy hat, towel and a good book. Great � got the basics covered but what about the rest.
So if we are so prepared for a day at the beach, why is it by the time we get home we look pretty worn. Here are some helpful tips to make your day at the beach fun and keep you looking fashion fresh all day and all the way home.
First before you leave home, if you�ve got long hair pull it into a high pony tail or fun knot. Use some funky hair accessories that will stay in place when you�re swimming. Try a fun colored bobble or some firm fastening clips in bright summer colors. If you pull your hair up your neck will stay cool and you�ll look fresh all day with your neat hairdo.
Second slather yourself in sunscreen before leaving the house, then toss the sunscreen in your bag so you can reapply after a swim or every few hours. A sunburn is not only unhealthy and painful, it�s unattractive, so don�t let yourself turn into the lobster of the day. Your sunscreen should be a SPF of 15. It doesn�t hurt to use a strong SPF on your face or your entire body if you burn easily.
Your beach bag should be large enough to hold your supplies for the day. Why not get something fun and fashionable to keep you looking fashion fresh. Make sure you�ve got all the daily essentials in your bag � sunglasses, sunscreen, a good book, a floppy hat, some lip gloss, and any other makeup touch ups you�ll want. If you plan to wear eye makeup make sure it�s waterproof. Stay away from heavy foundations. If you must apply something use a bronzer moisturizer. It�s also a good idea to bring lip balm with an SPF15 to protect your lips. It never hurts to put some moisturizer in the bag. Include a snack and plenty of fluids. It�s important not to get dehydrated.
Okay great we�ve got the basics covered now what about the wardrobe basics? If you�re planning to wear a swimsuit it�s usually easiest to put it on at home, that way you�re not chasing down change rooms. So great � first on goes the swimsuit. Now what to wear for a cover? Well you�ve got plenty of choices. A tank top and shorts, tank and skort, or a nice light cotton dress all work well over top. Choose something that�s easy to put on and take off, and choose fabrics that breathe to keep you cool. I also suggest including a long sleeved cotton blouse just incase you start to burn you can protect your shoulders and arms.
If you�re planning on heading out later in the day without returning home you might want to toss a pair of jeans or long skirt into your bag. If your outing is going to extend into the evening you�ll want to include a sweater for the cooler evening air. If you�re worried about your evening wear getting sandy or wet at the beach, then place them in a separate bag and leave them in the trunk of your car. That way you are guaranteed they�ll remain fresh.
My favorite beach look is this. And what�s perfect is it keeps me looking fashion fresh throughout the day and takes me right into the evening. First I like a swimsuit that�s got lots of support and is bright and cheerful. I throw a fitted tank on top and throw on a loose flouncy long skirt. The long skirt serves me through the evening and also works great to cover up if I�m starting to burn. I choose a lightweight material in a darker color with a pattern that accents the colors in my swimsuit. Flip flops are my footwear. Depending on where I�m heading after the beach I choose either a basic pair or one of my funky pair with rhinestones or crystals. Easy to walk in, feet breath, and terrific for an evening out. I keep a fitted light weight sweater in my car, and take a long sleeved cotton blouse down to the beach. I usually choose a long sleeved and long length blouse because it�s versatile. I can knot it to create a short blouse, wear it long as a beach cover, and put it on if I start to burn on my upper body. I usually choose white or a soft pastel depending on my other colors. I like white because it�s cool to wear and refreshing to look at. Every year I buy a fun new beach tote that�s big enough for the beach but not too big as to take it with me for an evening out. I like a fun bag that�s full of character.
Since I always feel naked without my jewelry I wear fashion jewelry to the beach. That way should I loose something I won�t be out a lot of money and I won�t feel so bad. I like to keep the earrings simple and elegant. I may or may not wear a necklace. Often I�ll toss a funky wood necklace in the bag to add to the evening outfit. I like to wear a couple of fashion rings just to add the finishing touches. Now if you�re fussy about tan lines you�ll probably want to forgo the rings. I toss my watch in the bottom of my bag so I can put it on later.
That�s it � simple is the key. Keep your beach wardrobe choices simple but fashionable. Think ahead so you can go from beach to an evening out without hassle. Remember to always make your fashion statement!
About the author:
� Copyright Sher Matsen, All Rights Reserved.
About the author:
Sher has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.
So what constitutes a good beach wardrobe. Well there are certain essentials that none of us forget. On goes the swimsuit and bathing suit cover, flip flops on our feet. Beach bag has been packed with the essentials � sunglasses, floppy hat, towel and a good book. Great � got the basics covered but what about the rest.
So if we are so prepared for a day at the beach, why is it by the time we get home we look pretty worn. Here are some helpful tips to make your day at the beach fun and keep you looking fashion fresh all day and all the way home.
First before you leave home, if you�ve got long hair pull it into a high pony tail or fun knot. Use some funky hair accessories that will stay in place when you�re swimming. Try a fun colored bobble or some firm fastening clips in bright summer colors. If you pull your hair up your neck will stay cool and you�ll look fresh all day with your neat hairdo.
Second slather yourself in sunscreen before leaving the house, then toss the sunscreen in your bag so you can reapply after a swim or every few hours. A sunburn is not only unhealthy and painful, it�s unattractive, so don�t let yourself turn into the lobster of the day. Your sunscreen should be a SPF of 15. It doesn�t hurt to use a strong SPF on your face or your entire body if you burn easily.
Your beach bag should be large enough to hold your supplies for the day. Why not get something fun and fashionable to keep you looking fashion fresh. Make sure you�ve got all the daily essentials in your bag � sunglasses, sunscreen, a good book, a floppy hat, some lip gloss, and any other makeup touch ups you�ll want. If you plan to wear eye makeup make sure it�s waterproof. Stay away from heavy foundations. If you must apply something use a bronzer moisturizer. It�s also a good idea to bring lip balm with an SPF15 to protect your lips. It never hurts to put some moisturizer in the bag. Include a snack and plenty of fluids. It�s important not to get dehydrated.
Okay great we�ve got the basics covered now what about the wardrobe basics? If you�re planning to wear a swimsuit it�s usually easiest to put it on at home, that way you�re not chasing down change rooms. So great � first on goes the swimsuit. Now what to wear for a cover? Well you�ve got plenty of choices. A tank top and shorts, tank and skort, or a nice light cotton dress all work well over top. Choose something that�s easy to put on and take off, and choose fabrics that breathe to keep you cool. I also suggest including a long sleeved cotton blouse just incase you start to burn you can protect your shoulders and arms.
If you�re planning on heading out later in the day without returning home you might want to toss a pair of jeans or long skirt into your bag. If your outing is going to extend into the evening you�ll want to include a sweater for the cooler evening air. If you�re worried about your evening wear getting sandy or wet at the beach, then place them in a separate bag and leave them in the trunk of your car. That way you are guaranteed they�ll remain fresh.
My favorite beach look is this. And what�s perfect is it keeps me looking fashion fresh throughout the day and takes me right into the evening. First I like a swimsuit that�s got lots of support and is bright and cheerful. I throw a fitted tank on top and throw on a loose flouncy long skirt. The long skirt serves me through the evening and also works great to cover up if I�m starting to burn. I choose a lightweight material in a darker color with a pattern that accents the colors in my swimsuit. Flip flops are my footwear. Depending on where I�m heading after the beach I choose either a basic pair or one of my funky pair with rhinestones or crystals. Easy to walk in, feet breath, and terrific for an evening out. I keep a fitted light weight sweater in my car, and take a long sleeved cotton blouse down to the beach. I usually choose a long sleeved and long length blouse because it�s versatile. I can knot it to create a short blouse, wear it long as a beach cover, and put it on if I start to burn on my upper body. I usually choose white or a soft pastel depending on my other colors. I like white because it�s cool to wear and refreshing to look at. Every year I buy a fun new beach tote that�s big enough for the beach but not too big as to take it with me for an evening out. I like a fun bag that�s full of character.
Since I always feel naked without my jewelry I wear fashion jewelry to the beach. That way should I loose something I won�t be out a lot of money and I won�t feel so bad. I like to keep the earrings simple and elegant. I may or may not wear a necklace. Often I�ll toss a funky wood necklace in the bag to add to the evening outfit. I like to wear a couple of fashion rings just to add the finishing touches. Now if you�re fussy about tan lines you�ll probably want to forgo the rings. I toss my watch in the bottom of my bag so I can put it on later.
That�s it � simple is the key. Keep your beach wardrobe choices simple but fashionable. Think ahead so you can go from beach to an evening out without hassle. Remember to always make your fashion statement!
About the author:
� Copyright Sher Matsen, All Rights Reserved.
About the author:
Sher has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.
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