Where will you go?


Sunday, May 6, 2007

Ten Thousand Fugitives and the Beach Boys

Connecting Ten Thousand Fugitives and the Beach Boys

My soul is starved and hungry, ravenous�
insatiable for your nourishing commands.
Psalm 119: 17-33

Driving between the two lunches I had that day. Mike Love�s reed thin voice leading up to the radio news that �Torture Guy� (Our American Attorney General) had somehow slapped the cuffs on 10,000 fugitives almost all at once.

The sun baked nasal Beach Boy surf tones heralding the first cannon shot of actual class warfare in the United States. Karl Rove commands the guns to be turned on our own. Karen Hughes spins it so soccer moms can quickly nod yes and then get back on their cell phones. Condi stamps a black stiletto boot and raises her eyebrow. And Brian Wilson�s lyric kicks off the parade in my car:

Well I�m not braggin babe
So don�t put me down
But I�ve got the fastest set of wheels in town.

Ten thousand fugitives in 24 hours????????

Alone, just the number and the time frame is alarming. But that it�s coming from �Torture Guy�---makes me remember that soon, on this long drive back home from the wild and distant suburbs of Chicago (where all food comes from Olive Gardens, Applebee�s and Bennigans)�it makes me remember that if I just take Oakton east, I�ll go right by Steak and Shake.

Because if this is it, if the country has now been lead to implode---I better grab another lunch. Never mind that I just finished lunch 5 minutes ago. And that it wasn�t at a chain restaurant. I better eat again.

Wonder what the ethnic and racial breakdown of that mass arrest would be? Wonder if there�s a religious element to this? Did Jerry Falwell give the word that we could finally round up all the Muslim Americans? Wonder why that first lunch left me feeling so empty?

What would Brian Wilson do? Would he grab another lunch? Would he wonder why Kaufman�s Deli on Dempster in Skokie had somehow left me with a rye bagel that was just short of stale, cream cheese whipped with air, , lox that didn�t tingle with taste the way a special, sometimes treat should. Nova lox that brings on a train of thought that goes: I can�t get this very often---way too expensive. . .especially when you have no money coming in. . . .so why can�t I taste this????

I am pulling out into the traffic on Dempster, one hand on the wheel, the other stuffing potato chips into my mouth just a little too fast as I look east for lines of Federal Marshalls. But all I see is McDonalds and the Skokie Swift train.

Why can�t I taste these potato chips? Only salt and the bulk. And why do they keep making me even hungrier? Boy some fries would go good now. . . Why am I so hungry?

And how many people does it take to arrest 10,000 in a day? Did they put them on trains and roll them out to Utah, string up some barbed wire and call the place a Relocation Camp? What kind of paperwork was generated? And most of all: why do I keep stuffing these potato chips in my mouth just a little too fast?

In the background to all that potato chip crunching-- Brian Wilson�s lyric about a chariot that would somehow take a chubby little boy far, far away from the yellow linoleum floor in the kitchen of the California tract house where he had rolled himself up in a ball to absorb the kicks and slaps poured out on him by his Dad and future Beach Boy Manager---Murray.

None of it bruised his body in the car. No shame in that car.

When something comes up to me
They don�t even try
Cos if I had a set of wings
I know I could fly.

Flying home on Dempster, right by the canal. Mid day traffic light so I can move. My faithful green Honda now transformed into cherry red, gleaming chrome:

She�s got a competition clutch
With a four on the floor and
She purrs like a kitten till the tail pipes roar

So if I stopped at Steak and Shake, I wouldn�t get a Triple Steak burger. I�m not THAT far gone. That would be for people who actually had a problem. I�d limit it to a double. And a small fries. A medium coke. No way would I get a large coke.

And then there are the families of these 10,000 bad guys. That�s a lot of people!

But I wouldn�t have a Triple Steak burger. I had control. And maybe there really were ten thousand real bad guys out here with me driving east on Dempster into Evanston. Maybe they were REAL bad guys. And it wasn�t a political stunt or the first shot in real class warfare.

Maybe we had more cops out there now. Maybe we got back some of the money we spent on the war to pay for cops, for feeding hungry kids, sheltering battered and bruised kids, maybe it was all like getting a refund at that Home Depot right behind the Steak and Shake. Maybe I could go in there fat and happy full of steak burger---my second lunch having soothed my hungry and ravenous soul�maybe I could go stand patiently in line in the Home Depot and they would offer a refund on the war. Something to credit my account. And somewhere deep inside the giant warehouse I would find the nourishing commands that would somehow feed my empty soul.

I get pushed out of shape
and its hard to steer
when I get rubber
In all four gears.

My first lunch? A few minutes ago? Forgotten.

Just as soon as I bit into that double steak burger, I wouldn�t be hungry anymore. Then I could bop over to Home Depot. Get a few necessities for the house. Throw on some old Beach Boys tunes and cruise on back home. I�m sure that the ten thousand people who were arrested today---I�m sure that�s a good thing. Wouldn�t want people to think I�m a wild eyed liberal or something. Soft on crime. And I am in control. Not a Triple Steak burger. Only a double.

With cheese.

About the Author

Roger Wright can be found on the Salon Blog "Church Fod Chicago"

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Look Fashionable At The Beach!

It�s that time of year when we pack up our bags and head to the beach for the day to enjoy those warm sunrays and the refreshing sound of the lapping water.

So what constitutes a good beach wardrobe. Well there are certain essentials that none of us forget. On goes the swimsuit and bathing suit cover, flip flops on our feet. Beach bag has been packed with the essentials � sunglasses, floppy hat, towel and a good book. Great � got the basics covered but what about the rest.

So if we are so prepared for a day at the beach, why is it by the time we get home we look pretty worn. Here are some helpful tips to make your day at the beach fun and keep you looking fashion fresh all day and all the way home.

First before you leave home, if you�ve got long hair pull it into a high pony tail or fun knot. Use some funky hair accessories that will stay in place when you�re swimming. Try a fun colored bobble or some firm fastening clips in bright summer colors. If you pull your hair up your neck will stay cool and you�ll look fresh all day with your neat hairdo.

Second slather yourself in sunscreen before leaving the house, then toss the sunscreen in your bag so you can reapply after a swim or every few hours. A sunburn is not only unhealthy and painful, it�s unattractive, so don�t let yourself turn into the lobster of the day. Your sunscreen should be a SPF of 15. It doesn�t hurt to use a strong SPF on your face or your entire body if you burn easily.

Your beach bag should be large enough to hold your supplies for the day. Why not get something fun and fashionable to keep you looking fashion fresh. Make sure you�ve got all the daily essentials in your bag � sunglasses, sunscreen, a good book, a floppy hat, some lip gloss, and any other makeup touch ups you�ll want. If you plan to wear eye makeup make sure it�s waterproof. Stay away from heavy foundations. If you must apply something use a bronzer moisturizer. It�s also a good idea to bring lip balm with an SPF15 to protect your lips. It never hurts to put some moisturizer in the bag. Include a snack and plenty of fluids. It�s important not to get dehydrated.

Okay great we�ve got the basics covered now what about the wardrobe basics? If you�re planning to wear a swimsuit it�s usually easiest to put it on at home, that way you�re not chasing down change rooms. So great � first on goes the swimsuit. Now what to wear for a cover? Well you�ve got plenty of choices. A tank top and shorts, tank and skort, or a nice light cotton dress all work well over top. Choose something that�s easy to put on and take off, and choose fabrics that breathe to keep you cool. I also suggest including a long sleeved cotton blouse just incase you start to burn you can protect your shoulders and arms.

If you�re planning on heading out later in the day without returning home you might want to toss a pair of jeans or long skirt into your bag. If your outing is going to extend into the evening you�ll want to include a sweater for the cooler evening air. If you�re worried about your evening wear getting sandy or wet at the beach, then place them in a separate bag and leave them in the trunk of your car. That way you are guaranteed they�ll remain fresh.

My favorite beach look is this. And what�s perfect is it keeps me looking fashion fresh throughout the day and takes me right into the evening. First I like a swimsuit that�s got lots of support and is bright and cheerful. I throw a fitted tank on top and throw on a loose flouncy long skirt. The long skirt serves me through the evening and also works great to cover up if I�m starting to burn. I choose a lightweight material in a darker color with a pattern that accents the colors in my swimsuit. Flip flops are my footwear. Depending on where I�m heading after the beach I choose either a basic pair or one of my funky pair with rhinestones or crystals. Easy to walk in, feet breath, and terrific for an evening out. I keep a fitted light weight sweater in my car, and take a long sleeved cotton blouse down to the beach. I usually choose a long sleeved and long length blouse because it�s versatile. I can knot it to create a short blouse, wear it long as a beach cover, and put it on if I start to burn on my upper body. I usually choose white or a soft pastel depending on my other colors. I like white because it�s cool to wear and refreshing to look at. Every year I buy a fun new beach tote that�s big enough for the beach but not too big as to take it with me for an evening out. I like a fun bag that�s full of character.

Since I always feel naked without my jewelry I wear fashion jewelry to the beach. That way should I loose something I won�t be out a lot of money and I won�t feel so bad. I like to keep the earrings simple and elegant. I may or may not wear a necklace. Often I�ll toss a funky wood necklace in the bag to add to the evening outfit. I like to wear a couple of fashion rings just to add the finishing touches. Now if you�re fussy about tan lines you�ll probably want to forgo the rings. I toss my watch in the bottom of my bag so I can put it on later.

That�s it � simple is the key. Keep your beach wardrobe choices simple but fashionable. Think ahead so you can go from beach to an evening out without hassle. Remember to always make your fashion statement!

About the author:
� Copyright Sher Matsen, All Rights Reserved.

About the author:
Sher has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Finding Cheap Airfare Tickets for your Vacation.

Finding cheap airfare tickets for your vacation is very important as you plan your next vacation. Imagine saving 25%-35% in airfare expenses as you get ready to travel to an exciting, exotic location. How exciting would that be? Cheap airfare tickets for a vacation can be found if you're willing to do just a little research. You don't have to be an expert at hunting down the most discount airfare, just spend a little time comparing departure dates and times.

If you're schedule is flexible, you'll find Cheap Airfare Tickets for your next vacation.

For example, when traveling to Madrid Spain, you'll save a lot of money if you can go before June and after September. The summer months are the busiest. But, if you search for cheap airfare tickets for that vacation during the shoulder or off-season, you'll find some cheap flights that will save you a lot of money. Why give that money to the airlines when you can use it for sightseeing or eating in nicer restaurants?

Spend a little time doing some research on the internet and you'll be very excited with cheap airfare tickets offered. You'll be in control of your vacation and how much you pay and that'll make your vacation that much better.

About the Author

Mike Yeager

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Vacation In Comfort With Kids

It takes a special person to travel with kids � a parent. Children have their own needs. Their idea of a vacation is more "adventurous" than a parent's. They need constant stimulation and they can get as tired as they are tiring.

There are many top ten type lists of tips for traveling with children: how to ensure they eat well and drink enough, how to dress them for weather variances, how to provide the stimulation they need, how to make sure they don't drive off with the family car and leave you stranded in the Mojave Desert, etc.

This list is how to travel in comfort � without tying the children to the roof rack -- which hopefully will reduce your stress.

Make sure you have plenty of room while traveling.

This is easier said than done. On a plane, everybody is cramped. On a train, everybody is cramped, although a little less so. On a bicycle... don't even try it.

If you are driving, get a mini-van. Sure, you might be more of a "car" type, and you might have resisted buying a mini-van so far. But pick up a rental van for the vacation just to give the kids a little more room for fighting. (Make sure it has a roof rack, just in case.)

Reality check: Cram enough people into a tiny space and watch everybody get stressed and enraged. See my humorous but true article on hippo rage: http://www.thehappyguy.com/hippo-rage.html .

Accommodations along the way can be tricky. Usually it involves a cramped motel for just long enough to sleep, then back in the cramped car (or somewhat cramped mini-van). This is not anybody's idea of a home away from home.

An accommodation alternative is to camp. When not sleeping, you have all the space in the world (unless you have to huddle under the tarp while the storm passes through). I love camping, but not everyone enjoys a good early morning wake-up wrestle with a grizzly as much as I do, so a motel might be required.

Make sure you have plenty of room when you "get there".

My childhood vacations, often involved wandering around lost. Assuming you are actually heading for a destination, make sure to have lots of room when you get there. This part is easy. But it requires thinking outside the box. Forget hotels, motels, and inns. Look for private rental homes.

Probably the biggest destination for families is Walt Disney World in Florida. Good news � Orlando, Kissimmee and the surrounding area is just teeming with private vacation homes for rent. In Florida they call them vacation villas, and they offer all the space of home (without having to fix a leaky sink or oil the door hinges or mow the lawn.) Here are some examples of vacation home rentals in the Disney area: http://www.lastminutevillas.net/Disney-vacation.html.

Sharon Baillie is a private villa owner in the Kissimmee area outside Orlando, just a few miles from Disney World. "Our guests enjoy the spaciousness of our 6-bedroom home ( http://www.lastminutevillas.net/new5beda1pg1.html ). They love the private pool and the private yard in which they can relax," she says. "Parents love the space for children to run around outside, and we leave a box of toys in the garage. So while the parents rest, the children play � and let their parents rest!"

Be prepared for "children being children" events.

Sometimes, stress hits you from behind when the unexpected happens. Like a cut or a scrape ... or a child getting sick. Sharon Baillie told me that is why she tells all her villa rental guests where the first aid kit can be found, and exactly where to go for medical attention. This is particularly helpful for her many guests from abroad who are unfamiliar with the US healthcare system.

She also makes sure her guests are informed about local pollen and viruses in Florida, so that parents can be prepared. Stress is so much more enjoyable when you are prepared for it, don't you think?

Booking tickets to theme parks and making reservations for just about everything in advance, makes the trip less stressful. There is little more difficult than managing young children while trying to get into a theme park or show that requires prior booking.

And to prevent wandering around lost, pick up a AAA Triptik in advance � not that it ever helped us.

Try having your children baby-sat. This might mean bringing along a nanny, such as a grand parent (It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.). The car might be more crowded, but if you've rented a spacious home for the week, it could just be doable. The other option is to hire a local baby-sitter once or twice. Vacation Home owners can set this up for you, and some hotels might be willing to, too.

When you are single, you can go on adventure vacations. When you are a parent, you get vacation adventures. Here are three of mine: http://www.thehappyguy.com/family-vacation-adventure.html

So there you have it. Three ways to reduce the stress of traveling with kids, so you can actually relax on vacation. After all, isn't that what vacations are supposed to be about?

About the Author

David Leonhardt is a freelance writer, and an online and offline publicity specialist. Contact him at:
or visit his website at:
For Florida vacation villa rentals:
For Orlando vacation home rentals:

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Family Vacation

Children Entertainment and an ideal vacation for entire family
Family outings, family vacations or adventure getaways with family, always spill out golden memories of togetherness and belongingness. Whether you are an avid globetrotter or simply looking for a holiday with a bit of go get it spirit what could be a better formula for a perfect experience that lingers on and mesmerizes you forever than spending time together with your family on a magical vacation. Give your children the unforgettable experience before you realize they are no more kids. Be a kid with your lil� ones and let them grow with you. Each family vacation will be a new adventure for your children.
Holidaying with the family is a unique experience, especially for kids. Educational, fun filled and adventurous; all at the same time. It can be a wonderful break from the stresses of school, home and peer group, where children can really relax, have a good laugh and you get to spend that quality time with your children. Spend your time doing things together - exploring the woods, trekking, hiking, jungle safaris, canoeing, mystery games, camping, singing and having stories rounds by the fire at night and nothing but just being yourself. Give your kids a chance to live some real childhood, an opportunity not easy to come by in today�s ever-busy lifestyles. Your children will surely discover new interests and talents and gain self-confidence and independence.
If you are a family looking for something off track from the usual beach holidays or weekend getaways. If you miss the nostalgic, laid back moments you spent with your parents and want your kids to share the same magical experience, just sail through our website. You are sure to get a family holiday package you were looking for. If time is your concern no worries at all we have amazing weekend packages as well. And if you just don�t wish to spare those extra bucks we have the discount family vacation packages. All you got to do is enjoy a complete holiday experience. Sharing serene times together, sharing the family feeling of chatting round the table at mealtimes, waking up on a sunny morning and lazing out in the sun, everything is part of the happiness of a positive family life.
Walking down the lovely untouched woodlands, being part of the most freak adventures or sitting by a placid stream, watching the sun go down. Doing all this together with your family is one fulfilling experience. It�s the immeasurable, priceless joy you�ll be paying for when you book for our thoughtfully fashioned family vacation packages.
For more information please visit www.funnyfarmentertainments.co.uk.

About the Author

Ray Willows is a well known author having written many books in the field of entertainment and recreation. He is an experienced writer in children books and reviews. His articles are popular in many of the major internet portals.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Medical Tourism saves you Money, but Which Country is Best?

Medical Tourism saves you Money, but Which Country is Best? Increasingly, people from the industrialized countries of the world are seeking out places where they can both enjoy a vacation and obtain medical treatment at a lower price, than in their country of residence. Medical tourists are increasing in numbers, but which country is best for medical tourism? Medical Tours to India For medical tourism, India is a relative newcomer, but recent estimates indicate that the number of foreign patients is increasing by 30 percent each year. India has world-class medical facilities, with excellent staff in all areas of medical care. All Indian hospitals are equipped with the latest electronic and medical diagnostic equipment. India also has the technological sophistication and infrastructure to maintain its market lead. Indian pharmaceuticals for example, meet the stringent requirements of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. India's quality of care is world class, competing with any other industrialized country. Indian medical centres provide services that are in fact uncommon elsewhere. For example, hip surgery patients in India can have a hip-resurfacing procedure, in which damaged bone is taken away and replaced with chrome alloy, an operation that costs less and causes fewer traumas than the traditional replacement operations carried out in western countries. Medical Tours to South East Asia South East Asia offers some great advantages for medical tourism with Thailand being the main destination and the main rival to India. The Thai medical profession is probably the most advanced in the region and successive governments have invested in ensuring the necessary education and training. Many doctors undertake specialist training abroad, particularly in the United States and Europe and are at least as well qualified as physicians in these countries. Singapore and Malaysia also have well developed medical facilities. Medical Tours to the East Indies For North American patients, the East Indies and Costa Rica in particular, are the chosen destinations for medical tourism. Costa Rica provides close, inexpensive, high-quality medical care without a trans-Pacific flight. Cost wise though, it is more expensive for medical tourists generally, particularly from destinations outside of the USA. Medical Tourism in South America Medical tourism in South America is mainly cantered on Brazil, which has been a centre for plastic surgery for many years. With a large influx of medical tourists particularly from the USA, Brazil has built a well-developed healthcare industry in all areas. Although slightly more pricey than many other destinations, you are assured of good quality healthcare in Brazil - one of the most beautiful countries on earth. Argentina also has a flourishing medical tourism industry, but its geographical position is a problem for many. The Rest Medical tourism is growing in other countries with Eastern Europe, Africa, and Dubai entering the industry. Dubai will be providing the Dubai Healthcare City by 2010 and this clinic will be the largest international medical centre between Europe and South East Asia. Including a new branch of the Harvard Medical School, it will be prestigious, but aimed at the medical tourist with more money. Eastern Europe and Africa are emerging markets, but probably have some way to go to match the healthcare services available in countries such as India. India for Medical Tourism There are many choices for medical tourists seeking overseas healthcare and many destinations have reasons to recommend them, but overall for medical tourists, it will be India that will be the most attractive. Why? Simply, India has wide variety of treatments, world-class hospitals, and medical staff, is inexpensive, and offers a beautiful holiday destination.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Tips for Selecting the Right Cruise Vacation

By Joseph Ducat

A cruise vacation can be an amazing experience and you owe it to yourself to go on one. But it is essential to do proper planning beforehand. Choosing where to go is a crucial decision that you should not make lightly. You may already have a destination in mind, but you should research more about where you are going and the cruise that is taking you so you can be assured of having made the right choice. You should also find out what your alternatives are--in some cases they may turn out to be more attractive than your original choice.

The cruise destination is almost certainly the most important part of your decision, although it is good to be flexible at times. If it is your first cruise, it is generally easier to take a cruise to the Caribbean or the Bahamas. There are many other options, however, including Hawaii, Alaska, South America, South Pacific, Asia, Europe, and the Mediterranean. Alaska would be a good choice for adventure, exploration, and the appreciation of nature’s grandeur. Asia offers exotic cultures and incredibly beautiful beaches. South America is a great place to party and also where you can explore the rain forest and ancient ruins. If you travel to the Mediterranean, you will get to see the art and culture of early Western civilizations.

Another crucial factor in making a decision is the departure port of the cruise you are taking. All of the major cruise lines can make departures from the main ports of call throughout the country. However, budget and travel distance may limit you to certain ports, and that in turn will limit you to certain cruises. To take one example, if you are going on a Southern Caribbean cruise on the Carnival Cruise line, you will be unable to depart from Port Canaveral, because you will only be able to depart from Fort Lauderdale, Barbados, or San Juan. And if your port is San Juan, you will only be able to go to the Southern Caribbean.

The length of a cruise is another significant factor for making a decision. Specifying the cruise length will definitely narrow your options. If you want to take a four night cruise on Carnival, you will not be able to go to the Eastern Caribbean or the Southern Caribbean, but will only be able to go to the Bahamas, Western Caribbean, and Mexico.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Take It Easy With An All Inclusive Vacation

By Robin Cooper

How many times have you planned a trip to some locale that was meant to offer relaxation and a respite form the daily hassles of adult life, only to find that there is an awful lot of stress involved in catching connecting flights, packing and unpacking suitcases, dealing with rental cars, and attraction tickets, among other things? Sometimes it even seems like you need a vacation from your vacation when you finally arrive home, harried and tense from the forced family fun you've just endured. Wouldn't it be better to take a vacation where all of the planning, all of the preparations, all of the bookings and meals and transportation were not only prearranged, but also already paid for? All inclusive vacations offer this truly relaxing getaway opportunity.

All inclusive vacation packages are typically offered by resorts and cruise lines, and they entail a set price for an entire itinerary. There are also packages that involve all inclusive vacation tours to a variety of locales. Europe is a particularly popular destination for this kind of prearranged tour. In an all inclusive vacation package, there typically be two meals a day, hotel accommodations, excursions to museums, beaches, castles, ancient ruins - it all depends on where you go and who you book your all inclusive vacation through. In fact, all of these things are included in your prepaid price, so you can truly relax and know that there will be no searching for things to do and money to pay for it with. Bring some pocket money for your souvenir shopping and rest assured that all main components of your vacation are taken care of.

In the end, you will see that an all inclusive vacation is definitely the way to go. Often, these packages offer a significant savings over components purchased separately and they also offer that added benefit of not having to be rushed to find entertainment, lodging, transportation, and food. An all inclusive vacation option will allow you to settle down and lighten up. Enjoy your retreat, and escape the rush of life with an all inclusive vacation.


Robin Cooper wants to share her knowledge to help you book the perfect all inclusive vacation for yourself. Visit Robin at Travel In Prosperity today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robin_Cooper

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Cheap Vacations: Advantages And Tips

by: Alan King

Let us start off by making one thing clear – the word “cheap” when used by cheap vacation websites does not in any way mean “inferior”. When online travel websites, say cheap vacations or cheap travel, it means that they have a tie-in with airlines, hotels and tour companies. These companies give the cheap travel websites a whole lot of discounts and bargains because these websites drive customers to the airline, hotel and tour companies. When the websites get the discounts and bargains, they, in return, pass them on to the customers because they believe in volume growth.

So, if you are thinking that “cheap travel” stands for “inferior travel” – just perish the thought! Because you will get to travel with the best airline companies, stay in luxurious hotels and get a whole lot of deals in famous nightclubs and restaurants when you book your “cheap” vacation package online. If you want, you can even choose and book the airline and hotel of your choice from online, using sites like OurCheapTravel.com

Tips For A Cheap Vacation

Once you book your cheap vacation package from a website, you’d have tasted blood when you saved a packet of cash. Having tasted blood, you now want to save more when you reach your travel destination, and this is how you can do it:

  1. Stay at a hotel that’s near the places of your interest. For example: pick a beachfront hotel if you’re planning to faff around in Hawaii or Cancun; in London, stay close to the museums and shopping malls, and so on.
  2. Strike up a friendly conversation with your flight attendant and figure out the places where you can get the best bargains or hang out without spending a bomb.
  3. Before you rent a car, check the prices of diesel and gasoline prevailing in your travel destination. Take a car that guzzles the cheaper fuel.
  4. Avoid carrying traveler’s checks: Traveler’s checks are subject to solid commissions – avoid them. You’re better off with your credit card.
  5. Saving on food: When you book a hotel, ensure that breakfast is included. Or, find out the prices on their menu card. You don’t want to spend $50 per night for the room and pay $20 for eggs and toast, do you?
  6. Be safe: Cover yourself by insuring your travel. Okay, you will have to pay for this, but it’s worth every dime.

That was about the cost advantages of cheap vacations and how to follow them up with cool money-saving tips. Remember, it pays to save on your vacation and it pains to splurge on it. In the end, it’s your decision. So, well, decide!

Alan King suggests that if you’re planning a vacation that you check out the best cheap vacation packages available at http://OurCheapTravel.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_King

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Visit Jogja Indonesia

Indonesia Climate and Clothing:
Draped over the equator, Jogja-Indonesia tends to have a fairly uniform climate - hot. It's hot and wet during the wet season (October to April) and hot and dry during the dry season (May to September). Temperatures climb to about 31°C(88°F) in coastal regions, dropping further inland. The best time to visit Indonesia is from April to October.

Indonesia Language: English, Javanese, Sundanese (especially in Jogja : Javanese)

If you are go to Indonesia you can buy or shopping: Favorite buys are batik cloth, woodcarvings and sculpture, silverwork, woven baskets and hats, bamboo articles, krises (small daggers), paintings and woven cloth. At small shops, bartering might be necessary. Shopping hours generally run Mon-Sun 1000-2100. Most local markets open either very early in the morning or at dusk.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Thursday, January 25, 2007



To the south of Borobudur Temple, there is hill stretching hundreds kilometers from Central Java to the border of West Java. This hill is called BUKIT MENOREH. Based on geological research, thousands years ago this hill was an active range of volcano. On the slope and back of the hill stretches people's plantation and at the foot of it live communities that are divided into several villages.. One of them is Candirejo village. Most of people in Candirejo are farmers who rely their life on agriculture.

by timoho travel

Monday, January 22, 2007

Dieng Plateau

Dieng Plateau

Dieng Plateau (northwest of Borobudur, near Wonosobo) makes a marvelous outing if for no other reason than the beautiful drive. Tourists rarely make the day long trip from Jogja to the plateau and back, so chances are you will have it to yourself. A passage through deep valleys in the shadows of magnificent volcanoes studded with coffee, tea and tobacco leads to the rugged magnificence of the plateau, the surrounding earth steaming with geothermal activity.

Dieng Plateau is the site of some of the earliest known Hindu temples on Java, believed to have been built in the ninth century. Two other stops away from the temples are Goa Semar, a cave where the spirit of Semar, a character in the Hindu Mahabarata legend, is said to reside and Telaga Warna, the eerie Colored Lakes. A word of caution: Occasionally gases caused by seismic activity are present on Dieng Plateau. Use common sense and follow the lead of the local residents. If they begin evacuating the area, all visitors should too.

Yogyakarta and Central Java Tourist Attractions

Yogyakarta and Central Java Tourist Attractions

Yogyakarta (Jogja) and Surakarta (Solo) are the centers of classical Javanese culture, kept alive by the patronage of the royal families of the two cities. Gamelan orchestras, sultans’ palaces, graceful dancers, buffalo-hide puppets and batik decorated with spiritual motifs all play important roles in the lives of even the most modern Javanese.

The highlands of Central Java are rich with historical and archeological sites, and more ruins are uncovered each year, usually by farmers plowing their fields. The magnificence of Borobudur monument in Magelang is an unequaled example of Buddhist architecture.

In western Central Java, the cool mists of Dieng Plateau surround silent temple ruins, smoking volcano craters and steaming geothermal energy. In 1891, at Sangiran (near Solo), archaeologists discovered remains of one of mankind’s early ancestors, Java Man. There’s a small museum there housing bones and fossils.

Not largely promoted, but growing in popularity is the “other side” of tourism in the Yogyakarta / Central Java region: early-morning lava watching at Mount Merapi, volcano climbing, caving, river rafting, and bicycling through small villages. The south coast, shrouded in legends of the mystical sea goddess Nyi Roro Kidul, houses beaches where freshly-caught fish are cooked on-site to diners’ specifications. And off the north coast, in the Karimunjawa Islands, PADI certification and scuba diving are relatively undiscovered.

For the less adventurous, Yogyakarta and Central Java Provinces offer a wide range of starred hotels and resorts, spas, golf courses and fine dining. There are many fine language schools in Jogja, attracting students of Bahasa Indonesia or Bahasa Jawa (Java) from around the world.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Yogyakarta and Central Java Tourist Attractions

Yogyakarta and Central Java Tourist Attractions

Yogyakarta (Jogja) and Surakarta (Solo) are the centers of classical Javanese culture, kept alive by the patronage of the royal families of the two cities. Gamelan orchestras, sultans’ palaces, graceful dancers, buffalo-hide puppets and batik decorated with spiritual motifs all play important roles in the lives of even the most modern Javanese.

The highlands of Central Java are rich with historical and archeological sites, and more ruins are uncovered each year, usually by farmers plowing their fields. The magnificence of Borobudur monument in Magelang is an unequaled example of Buddhist architecture.

In western Central Java, the cool mists of Dieng Plateau surround silent temple ruins, smoking volcano craters and steaming geothermal energy. In 1891, at Sangiran (near Solo), archaeologists discovered remains of one of mankind’s early ancestors, Java Man. There’s a small museum there housing bones and fossils.

Not largely promoted, but growing in popularity is the “other side” of tourism in the Yogyakarta / Central Java region: early-morning lava watching at Mount Merapi, volcano climbing, caving, river rafting, and bicycling through small villages. The south coast, shrouded in legends of the mystical sea goddess Nyi Roro Kidul, houses beaches where freshly-caught fish are cooked on-site to diners’ specifications. And off the north coast, in the Karimunjawa Islands, PADI certification and scuba diving are relatively undiscovered.

For the less adventurous, Yogyakarta and Central Java Provinces offer a wide range of starred hotels and resorts, spas, golf courses and fine dining. There are many fine language schools in Jogja, attracting students of Bahasa Indonesia or Bahasa Jawa (Java) from around the world.

Recreation and Leisure

Recreation and Leisure

Home to Indonesia’s largest university dedicated to the arts, there is always a selection of art exhibitions and dance performances available in Jogja. Several art spaces offer interesting programs for the public. Hours are usually 9 am-12 noon and 5-9 p.m. Exhibitions and discussions are generally free, but there may be a small charge for films. As exhibitions and opening times are continually changing, call for current schedules.

  • Bentara Budaya: Jl. Suroto 2, Kota Baru. Tel: (0274) 560-404. Art exhibitions, movies, book discussions.
  • Cemeti Art House: Jl. D. I. Panjaitan 41. Tel: (0274) 371-105, Email: cemetiah@indosat.net.id. Fine art and modern art exhibitions, book discussions and performances.
  • French/Indonesian Cultural Center (LIP): Jl. Sagan 3. Tel: (0274) 566-520. Art exhibitions, movies, book discussions, performances, library.
  • Kedai Kebun: Jl. Tirtodipuran 3. Tel: (0274) 376-114, Email: kkforum@indosat.net.id. Art exhibitions, performances, book discussions.

Tennis, swimming and fitness centers are found in large hotels, most payable on a per use basis. Sightseeing is also popular, as are language schools and batik courses. Nearby are river rafting, lava-watching, volcano climbing, trekking, caving and bird watching opportunities. Beaches to the south are not suitable for swimming because of strong undertows but are good for strolling and freshly-caught fish meals cooked to order. The Yogyakarta American Jeep Club holds off-road rallies and there is paragliding near Borobudur. A movie theater complex is under construction and is expected to be completed by the end of 2005. And Jogja’s first bowling alley opened in 2005.

Jogja has two Hash House Harrier groups. Notices of the times and locations of their runs and contacts for the groups are listed in Jogja’s local newspaper, Kedaulatan Rakyat. One group even provides transportation, picking up on Jl. Mangkubumi and delivering to the site, if necessary. Alternatively, simply go to the site of the next run at the stated time and you can register on the spot.

Golf courses suiting a wide variety of skills and time limitations range from the 9-hole beginner course at Hyatt Regency Jogja to the 18-hole Merapi Golf Course, one of the best in the area, used for international tournaments. Others are Adisucipto Golf Club, 18 holes near the Jogja airport; and Tidar Golf Course in Magelang (near Borobudur), 18 holes.

Far more affordable than in western countries, spa and beauty treatments are on practically every expat’s leisure time activity list. Nearly all Jogja and Central Java spas incorporate traditional Javanese massage (with some offering European techniques too) and Javanese lulur, a body scrub once enjoyed only by royalty. Favored are the Hyatt Regency Jogja Spa and the Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa at the Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta. Several of Java’s spas are owned or operated by companies specializing in jamu (traditional herbal beauty concoctions) and feature their products. One of the best known is Martha Tilaar, on Jl. Cendrawasih. Outside of Jogja, Hotel Puri Asri in Magelang also has a spa as does Losari Coffee Plantation Resort & Spa near Magelang.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007



Map showing the location of Yogyakarta within Indonesia

By plane to Jogja

By plane

Yogyakarta's Adisucipto International Airport (JOG), 8 km east of town, is a small but busy domestic hub presently (2005) undergoing renovation and expansion. There are near-hourly connections on Garuda to Jakarta (50 minutes) and Denpasar, while other domestic airlines service major cities in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. The "international" part of the name comes from Garuda's thrice-weekly direct services to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Singapore.

There is a tourist information desk, ATM and taxi stand in the arrivals hall. A metered taxi to the city or direct to Prambanan costs about Rp 20,000. A departure tax of Rp 25,000 is charged for domestic flights.

Another option is to take a direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Solo (SOC) with the discount airline Air Asia. There is bus service connection Solo to Yogyakarta. A direct taxi cost around Rp 300,000.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007



A city of students looking for cheap meals, Jogja is filled with lesehan-style (“mobile”) eating spots that pop up on the sidewalks just before dusk. Seating is on floor mats, and they serve everything from noodles to steaks. Street musicians often provide impromptu entertainment in exchange for coins. International and Indonesian cuisine are served in upscale restaurants, particularly in the hotels. Two popular restaurants outside hotels are Gadjah Wong and Gabah. International fast food outlets include McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut.

Schools (Jogja and Central Java)

Schools (Jogja and Central Java)

Yogyakarta International School has 50 or so students, pre-kindergarten through 8th grade, with grades 9-12 opening beginning with the 2005 school year.

Jl. Kaliurang Km. 5
Pogung Baru Blok A-18
Jogja 55284
(P.O. Box 1175, Jogja 55011)
Tel: (62-274) 586 067; 545 464
Fax: (62-274) 586 067
Email: info@yis-yog.sch.id
Website: http://www.yis-yog.sch.id

Mountainview International Christian School in Salatiga (two hours northeast of Jogja) has ±140 students, pre-kindergarten through senior high school. Semarang International School in Semarang, ±70 students, pre-school through junior high. Preschools are also available.

Monday, January 15, 2007



Jogja currently has two shopping malls (Malioboro and Galeria) with a growing number of internationally branded shops and many local ones. Two more malls are currently under construction, scheduled for completion in 2006. Matahari is the main department store and Hero the primary supermarket. The hypermarket Makro has recently opened on the north Ringroad. Shops carrying English language books include Gramedia and Periplus. Periplus in Malioboro Mall has a pleasant café attached.

The clothing found in Jogja shops is primarily sized for small Indonesians. There are a number of penjahit (tailors) who can make clothing to fit any size, but at the onset larger-framed foreigners should bring an ample supply of clothes from home.

With several golf courses nearby and a growing interest in trekking and camping among Indonesians, there are many specialty shops carrying goods aimed at these markets. Footlocker is one of several athletic shoe shops in Jogja, but again, the selection of sizes is geared toward smaller Indonesian feet.


The nearest American Consulate is Surabaya. Tel: (62-31) 295-6400.

Honorary Consulate of France in Yogyakarta
Jalan Pandega Marta VI/4
Catur Tunggal, Yogyakarta 55281
Phone (0274) 560 663
Fax (0274) 560 663
Email consulat@azimuth-travel.com

Honorary Italian Consulate
Jalan H 1 Pogung Baru Catur Tunggal, Y
Yogyakarta 55281
Tel. (0274) 562-763 Fax (0274)562-763
Email flaviotommasi@jogjamedianet.com

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Medical for Expat in Jogja

from www.expat.or.id


There’s a new Korean-owned medical center in Jogja with the incongruous name Happy Land. With state-of-the-art equipment, foreign trained doctors (some are specialists, others are general practitioners) and a 20-bed hospital, it is a clean and efficient choice for in-Jogja medical care. Happy Land Medical Centre, Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono 53 (Timoho), Jogja. Tel: (0274) 550-058; 550-060; Fax: 550-061; Email: happyland@tripillar-online.com, www.happyland.co.id.

Some expats are using Asia Medika Klinik. Dr. Paulus, who speaks English and has several years’ experience treating foreigners in Bali, can arrange medical evacuation to Singapore if the need arises. Asia Medika Klinik, Jl. Abubakar Ali No. 3, Jogja 53224. Emergency tel: (0274) 748-2100; 748-3100.

There are several other hospitals in Jogja but only three are recommended for expats. For hospital stays: Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih, a private hospital run by Catholics, is clean, has pleasant surroundings, nice nursing service and competent doctors. Offers acupuncture in its integrated medicine department. For emergency service: Rumah Sakit Bethesda, a private hospital run by a Protestant foundation, has the best emergency services. Also offers acupuncture and jamu (herbal medicines) as part of its integrated medicine regime. Prior to Happy Land, the most advanced, modern equipment could be found at Rumah Sakit Sarjito, a public hospital at University of Gadjah Mada. The drawback is that it’s known for poor nursing service, as the nurses are primarily students in training.

Many expats still prefer to go to Jakarta, Singapore or their home countries for elective care.

Expat living in Jogja

from www.expat.or.id

Expatriate Community

Jogja’s small expatriate community is largely comprised of artists, students, teachers, aid workers and exporters (i.e. furniture, handicrafts and natural fiber handbags). The largest group of foreigners is Koreans.

Opportunities for weekend and family activities abound. (See “Yogyakarta & Central Java Sites” below.) How expats choose to spend their evenings or where they hang out depends largely on their ages and lifestyles. Outside the hotels: for the young and young-at-heart there are many coffee shops serving somewhat average cups of “Java” and desserts, a growing number of “lounges” where alcoholic beverages are served, and one music club, Java Café, that’s popular with Westerners. In the hotels (international chains include Sheraton, Hyatt, Quality and Mercure, among others) are the usual bars and restaurants. Hotels frequently offer special foods, such as barbecue or Mexican food.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ganesha Statue

The compound is assembled of eight main shrines or candis, and more than 250 surrounding individual candis. The three main shrines, called Trisakti (Ind. "three sacred places"), are dedicated to the three gods Shiva the Destroyer, Vishnu the Keeper and Brahma the Creator.

The Shiva shrine at the center contains four chambers, one in every cardinal direction. While the first contains a three meter high statue of Shiva, the other three contain smaller statues of Durga, his wife, Agastya, his teacher, and Ganesha, his son. The statue of Durga is also called temple of Loro Jongrang (slender virgin), after a Javanese princess, daughter of King Boko. She was forced to marry a man she did not love, Bandung Bondowoso. After long negotiations she eventually agreed to the marriage, under the condition that her prince built her a temple ornamented with 1000 statues, between the setting and the rising of the sun. Helped by supernatural beings, the prince was about to succeed. So the princess ordered the women of the village to set a fire in the east of the temple, attempting to make the prince believe that the sun was about to rise. As the cocks began to crow, fooled by the light, the supernatural helpers fled. The prince, furious about the simple trick, changed Loro Jongrang to stone. She became the last and the most beautiful of the thousand statues.

The two other main shrines are that of Vishnu, to the north, and the one of Brahma, facing to the south. In front of each main temple is a smaller candis on the east side, dedicated to the mounts of the respective god - the bull Nandi for Shiva, the gander Angsa for Brahma, and Vishnus Eagle Garuda, which serves as the national symbol of Indonesia (cf. also to the airline Garuda Indonesia).

The bas-reliefs along the twenty sides of the temple depict the Ramayana legend. They illustrate how Sita, the wife of Rama, is abducted by an evil ogre. The monkey king Hanuman brings his army to help Rama and rescue Sita. This story is also shown by the Ramayana Ballet, regularly performed at full moon in front of the illuminated Prambanan complex.

The temple complex is surrounded by more than 250 individual temples of different sizes, called Pewara, believed to have been offered to the king as a sign of submission. The Pewara are arranged in four rows around the central temples, according to the rank of the people allowed to enter them. While the central row was accessible to the priests only, the other three were reserved for the nobles, the knights and the simple people respectively.

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple compound in Indonesia, located in central Java, approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta (7°45′8″S, 110°29′30″ECoordinates: 7°45′8″S, 110°29′30″E). It was built around 850 CE by either Rakai Pikatan, king of the second Mataram dynasty or Balitung Maha Sambu, during the Sanjaya dynasty. Not long after its construction, the temple was abandoned and began to deteriorate. Reconstruction of the compound began in 1918. The main building was completed in around 1953, since it is next to impossible to find the original stonework, which has often been stolen and reused at remote construction sites. A temple will only be rebuilt if at least 75% of the original stones are available. Therefore only their foundation walls of most of the smaller shrines are visible and they will not be rebuilt.

Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the largest Hindu temples in south-east Asia. It is characterised by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple architecture, and by the 47m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples.



The Borobudur Declaration initiated by Indonesian Government and it was declared on 28 August 2006 in Borobudur, Magelang, Center of Java. This is a form of friendship among the ASEAN nations such as: Indonesian, Kampuchea, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. They are the nations which are related to Buddhism of their history at the past.

The idea of the declaration is the background of the history and other similarity in cultural side. The content of it is the commitment among them to develop together the tourism through the management and promotion of the cultural heritage in a form of cooperation on pilgrimage tour and cultural tourism.

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world. This colossal relic of Borobudur Temple was built by Sailendra dynasty between 750 and 842 AD; 300 years before Cambodia’s Angkor Wat, 400 years before work had begun on the great European cathedrals. Little is known about its early history except that a huge workforce - sculptors, plasterers, master masons, painters - must have been labored in the tropical heat to shift and carve the 60,000 Cu m of stone.

Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles revealed Borobudur Temple in 1814. He found the temple in wined condition and ordered that the site be cleared of undergrowth and thoroughly surveyed. The massive restoration project began from 1905 to 1910 led by Dr. Tb. van Erp. With the help of UNESCO, the second restoration to rescue Borobudur was carried out from August 1913 to 1983.